Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hello there!

Hello There people in interland net... Wait I didn't do that correctly.... Anyways
This is my blog where I will be posting stuff about my favorite video games (and more!). These are some games I will be focusing on:

Super mario related games
Fire emblem (If there is any new news ;_;) 
Metroid (Same thing)
Kirby related games
And more!

So I don't know why You would not stick around for the new updates! I mean why not! Unless you are not a gamer.... then you might not like this.... BUT YOU SHOULD BE HERE ANYWAYS! So yeah check me out! I will usually be doing weekly updates... But ORAS comes out SO SOON! like tomorrow night I will be so hyped!!!! So yeah, A lot of updates about ORas coming in your future!

-Sky :D

BTW check out my youtube at SkychillMC! 
see yah!

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